Chef/Cook – WHITE Chef Jacket, Black & White Small Check Pants, Apron, Skull Cap/Hat, Safety Shoes, Knife Kit, Timesheets
Kitchenhand - BLACK Polo Shirt/T-Shirt (no logos), BLACK Tailored Trousers, BLACK Apron, Skull Cap/Hat, Safety Boots, Timesheets
Waiter/Bar/Supervisor/Retail - WHITE Ironed Men's Business shirt, BLACK tailored pants, BLACK fully enclosed leather shoes, BLACK socks, BLACK Tie, Waiters Friend, Name Badge, Note Pad & Pen, and Timesheets
Barista - BLACK Business Shirt/ Polo (no logos), BLACK Tailored Trousers, BLACK fully enclosed leather shoes, BLACK socks, Name Badge, Timesheets
Catering Assistant - BLACK Polo Shirt/T-Shirt (no logos), BLACK Tailored Trousers, BLACK Apron, Skull Cap/Hat, Safety Shoes, Name Badge, Timesheets
MALE - Hair neatly trimmed, conservative style and off the collar. Clean shaven, beards and moustaches short & well-trimmed
FEMALE - Long hair styles must be tied back with a black accessories, ponytail, braid, or tight bun acceptable styles
Further details to be advised if a group check-in is required
Staff report to security desk on ground floor for further directions. Photo ID required to pass security
From Parliament walk down Little Collins St then turn right onto Exhibition St. Telstra will be on your right (750 metres).
To plan your journey click: PTV Journey Planner
Various parking available in CBD (Fees Apply)