Waiter/Food and Beverage/Bar/Retail/Barista– WHITE Ironed Men’s Business shirt, BLACK tailored pants, BLACK fully enclosed leather shoes, BLACK socks, BLACK Tie, Waiters Friend, Name Badge, Note Pad & Pen, and Timesheets
Waiter/Food and Beverage/Bar/Retail/Barista– WHITE Ironed Men’s Business shirt, BLACK tailored pants, BLACK fully enclosed leather shoes, BLACK socks, BLACK Tie, Waiters Friend, Name Badge, Note Pad & Pen, and Timesheets
Supervisor/Host – BLACK Suit Jacket/Blazer, WHITE Ironed Men’s Business shirt, BLACK tailored pants, BLACK fully enclosed leather shoes, BLACK socks, BLACK Tie, Waiters Friend, Name Badge, Note Pad & Pen, and Timesheets
Check-In is required for all front of house employees, all shifts.
Staff Lunch Room, Second Floor, Hill Stand
All staff required to check in as above prior to shift
To plan your journey click: PTV Journey Planner
Do not drive to Flemington
Onsite Parking
Street Parking
Parking Garage (Fees Apply)
Please note you will not be able to leave shift to move parking location while on shift
Please ensure you complete the Online induction to work at Flemington.
Click here to register for a PIN and begin the induction.
Also make sure you request Site Induction from supervisor on arrival.
Police Check (National)
Food Handlers Certificate
Pay and Conditions for this site are governed by the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010 [MA000009]. Pay Rates for Casual Classification apply as a Monday-Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday rate. For details go to Click Here for Current Award Details OR Click Here for Pay Guide
Individual Hotelstaff Timesheets are required
All team members must bring their own meals to be consumed during 30-minute, unpaid scheduled breaks if shift exceeds 6 hours