As Victoria finally opens back up and begins life under ‘Covid normal’, Hotelstaff is committed to attracting back the very best Talent to our amazing hospo industry and helping our clients run their events.

That’s why we’re excited to announce the launch of three new initiatives to reward our Talent:

Covid Bonus Payment

Every single staff member is set to receive an extra $3 per hour on top of their normal hourly pay - guaranteed!

With the $3 Covid Bonus Payment we not only want to reward our current Talent for their hard work but also bring back all those incredible chefs, waiters, baristas, kitchen hands and hosts who were impacted by the pandemic.

*The $3 Covid Bonus Payment does not yet apply to Healthcare workers, but we’re working on it so stay tuned!

Monthly Loyalty Program

This program offers a unique incentive for our Talent to boost their regular hours and receive generous bonuses on top of their base income.

If any staff member works 100 or more hours for a minimum of 4 clients across any calendar month then we will pay them a $350 Loyalty Bonus.

As the demand for our Talent continues to increase each and every week, this target is easily achievable for many of our staff.

Level Up Bonus

It’s time to get our sporting, entertainment and events scene pumping again, which is why our Talent will also have the occasional opportunity to earn above their typical pay grade with our Level Up Program.

What does this mean? As an example, if you work as a Level 1 Kitchen Hand you could get paid as a Level 4 Cook, or if you work as a Level 2 Waiter you could get paid as a Level 5 Supervisor.

We have arrangements with a selection of clients that give you the potential to Level Up your pay so you can keep your flexible lifestyle and enjoy the warmer months ahead.

We’re still the most Talent friendly hospitality agency in Melbourne

Of course, extra dollars in the pockets of our staff is one way of retaining the best Talent out there, but so is providing:

We believe these incentives are just another reason we remain the most Talent friendly agency in Melbourne, supporting our Talent with great bonuses, great conditions and great opportunities to work at our city’s premier events.

So if you’re thinking about getting back into hospo and want to get paid what you’re worth, join Hotelstaff today!

As Victoria's hospitality industry begins to remerge from lockdown #6, Hotelstaff is introducing an innovative new Loyalty Program to motivate and re-engage its talent while helping to meet the staff shortages many clients will experience.

After restrictions eased from Melbourne’s February and June lockdowns there was a huge demand placed on the hospitality industry as it came back to life. From boardrooms and catering to restaurants and stadiums, our clients needed a large number of shifts filled quickly and the staff simply weren't there and those that remained were being offered so much work without incentive to work longer than pre-pandemic levels.

With yet another extended Victorian lockdown coming to an end, these staffing challenges have inevitably only worsened, creating an environment that makes it difficult to trade when a reliance on talent cannot be assured. We are already seeing evidence of reduced trading hours to accommodate staff shortages.

In order for the industry to survive and handle the demand that is coming, our talent need something to motivate them to keep working under extreme conditions. Hotelstaff's generous Loyalty Program exists to achieve just that.

“We believe our loyalty program will be a great way to re-engage and motivate our talent to increase their hours to help meet this ongoing staffing demand,” said Nathan Szprinc, Hotelstaff’s Managing Director. “COVID-19 has taught us that we need to be ready to adapt and find new ways to serve our clients and we cant do it without the talent in the kitchen and on the restaurant floor.

How does the new Loyalty Program work?

Hotelstaff’s Loyalty Program offers a unique incentive for our talent to boost their regular hours and receive generous bonuses on top of their base income. Where possible we have also started to pay our talent above award as recognition for their hard work.

We think the targets are very achievable:

“We truly believe this revolutionary loyalty program will provide the injection our industry desperately needs,” said Nathan.

“Most of our talent work on average for 18 - 20 hours per week. By picking up just one extra shift a week they can now qualify for these monthly bonuses and top up their regular income. It also ensures the our clients have access to a larger pool of staff across the weekend, supporting them during their busy periods.”

"We are also offering an additional incentive each month of $150, for the talent that achieves the highest number of hours worked but falls just short of the target of 100 hours. This means our talent don't stop accepting shifts when they know that 100 hours is no longer within reach."

Additional staff bonuses for Melbourne’s major events

The new Loyalty Program will also provide our staff with exciting opportunities to earn extra bonuses working across Melbourne’s major events landscape from October to March 2022.

This includes:

“In the second half of 2020 there was a huge exodus of staff due to the pandemic,” Nathan said. “We know that programs like this will be a great way to encourage people back into the industry as we enter the peak events season and really support hospitality. It gives them the confidence that the work will be available and they’ll be looked after by an agency that’s playing a small but important role in saving our amazing hospitality industry”

As Melbourne’s premier hospitality talent agency, Hotelstaff has the confidence that when lockdowns and restrictions are eased across Melbourne we can offer a diverse and exciting range of work and ensure our talent is rewarded for their commitment while also supporting our valued clients.

To learn more about our Loyalty Program and how it could benefit you, please click here.

03 9650 1311
Level 12 / 412 St Kilda Road, Melbourne VIC 3004
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