Chef/Cook – WHITE Chef Jacket, Black & White Small Check Pants, Apron, Skull Cap/Hat, Safety Shoes, Knife Kit, Timesheets
Kitchenhand - BLACK Polo Shirt/T-Shirt (no logos), BLACK Tailored Trousers, BLACK Apron, Skull Cap/Hat, Safety Boots, Timesheets
Waiter/Bar/Supervisor/Retail - WHITE Ironed Men's Business shirt, BLACK tailored pants, BLACK fully enclosed leather shoes, BLACK socks, BLACK Tie, Waiters Friend, Name Badge, Note Pad & Pen, and Timesheets
Barista - BLACK Business Shirt/ Polo (no logos), BLACK Tailored Trousers, BLACK fully enclosed leather shoes, BLACK socks, Name Badge, Timesheets
Catering Assistant - BLACK Polo Shirt/T-Shirt (no logos), BLACK Tailored Trousers, BLACK Apron, Skull Cap/Hat, Safety Shoes, Name Badge, Timesheets
MALE - Hair neatly trimmed, conservative style and off the collar. Clean shaven, beards and moustaches short & well-trimmed
FEMALE - Long hair styles must be tied back with a black accessories, ponytail, braid, or tight bun acceptable styles
Further details to be advised if a group check-in is required
Enter the main grandstand and report to reception for further directions
Catch the Craigieburn line train to Broadmeadows train station and 5 minutes before you are arrive call the client’s mobile number and somebody from the meadows will come and pick up you up
* Note; The client normally sends somebody to pick up staff from Broadmeadows train station, on average they order between 5-10 waiters so It’s a good idea to organise the staff to travel together
Onsite parking available